Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Publication Hermogenes Peri Ideai

The Dutch translation of Hermogenes Peri Ideai, Over stijlmiddelen, is currently in the latter stages of completion. Prepress has been postponed until 2008 due to other projects Ansgar Design/Publishers has been involved in. We will announce in due course the publication date.

De publicatie van een vertaling van Hermogenes Over Stijlmiddelen verschijnt aanstaande voorjaar 2011 en is bijna afgerond. Het voorwoord wordt op dit moment door een oud-docent van een universiteit geschreven.


Savitri is een groot episch gedicht van Sri Aurobindo. Dit boek zal binnen afzienbare tijd in het Nederlands gaan verschijnen. Een commissie die zich houdt zich nu bezig met de vertalingen die in de afgelopen jaren zijn ontstaan. Iedereen die meent een bijdrage te kunnen leveren aan dit project kan zich aanmelden.


Scribus, a dpt program built around Qt, is still not working properly on MacOs X (leopard) as this screenpicture does demonstrate. (This topic is meant for those participating in the discussion about professional designprograms on Prepress Forum)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Many methods to evaluate Human communication

There are several scientific methods to evaluate human communication, religious, philosophical, psychological, neurological theories, and attitudeanal values that are basically instinctive. In real life theories however do not work optimally, for the individual must decipher his way through conflicting messages, chaotic messages and impulses that make us subject to what we must call fate — or contingency. Where to go from there? And what is you want your life to have some 'other meaning', to discover the transcendental vistas beyond, and do not know what to do with 'the reptile brain', the inner crocodile etc.?
Where to go from there?
In other words is there a way to reconcile the method with real life and hormonize the theory with spiritual experiences and insights, without losing sight of the most essential form of human communication: LOVE?